Hrek : Ville filmzenn dolgozik! |
Ville filmzenn dolgozik!
Ville Valo nekel a Summer Wine cm film soundtrack-jn!
Ville Valo nekel a Summer Wine cm film soundtrack-jn! A film 2007 janurjban lesz bemutatva s Uschi Obermaier lett dolgozza fel. Az albumon mg szintn kzremkdik Natalia Avelon nmet szappanopera-sztr.
Valo, Ville & Avelon, Natalia: Summer Wine To be released on 26 January 2007. It's the soundtrack to the movie about Uschi Obermaier's life ("Das wilde Leben" ("The Wild Life")), and Natalia Avelon is the protagonist of the movie.She's a German soap star. Oh and the song is a Nancy Sinatra cover.