7 Piv elmondsa szerint Jonna nemrgen a Tavastiban bulizott egy msik egyttessel, Ville nlkl. Ivott, nevetett, s nagyon jl rezte magt Ville nlkl. Hrom klnbz frfival lttk kzenfogva mszklni...
maaja: was there with my boyfriend. Saw her jumping around like a lunatic. I guess she was on drugs again. She wasn't there alone. The guy who helped her during her rehab was also there .
Geri: oooh it's in 7 Piv??? i dont read magazines or papers much but i did see manna a few days ago with linde and olivia. i spoke to her and she was very nice like she was always with me nice. i asked her about new album. she said she is working on it and is very scared and nervous because she never sang in front of people before. olivia looks like linde alot. i didnt want to bother them alot so i left fast but she was so nice and linde to. she is surprise how people are so nice about her coming out with record on her my space. she thought people were going to give her hate but instead they bring her love.
i was not at tavastia so i dont know anything but i saw jonna again and she was with her man rehab friend holding hands. the next day i saw her with a different man but he doesn't look famous to me. not rehab man. she was holding different man hand and laughing with him. she went to tori with him i saw and ate. i order food there so that's how i saw everything. i saw jonna one more time in another resturant with ANOTHER different man. so that's 3 men. i dont know if they are dating but i was suprise to see many jonna sightings. i didnt talk to her after the way she treated me at mtv party. fuuk her. i am happy i saw manna.
sszefoglal: REVANS A TNCOS FLRTRT! (by Lullacry)
7 Piv elmondsa szerint Jonna nemrgen a Tavastiban bulizott egy msik egyttessel, Ville nlkl. Ivott, nevetett, s nagyon jl rezte magt Ville nlkl. XD >basszus hapsikm tlleg elment Lappfldre, vagy mian?<
maaja elmondsa szerint aki a bartjval volt ott Jonna gy nzett ki mint aki drogos volt, s megint azzal a frfival tartzkodott aki a rehabnl segtett neki.
Geri nem volt ott a Tavastiban de ltta prszor Jonnt, hrom klnbz frfival KZENFOGVA csszklni. Az egyik termszetesen a rehabos fick volt, valami tterembe mentek a msikkal. A harmadikrl semmi hr... De elvileg hrom volt, s egyik sem a mi Ville Valonk. /Teht Jonna elvileg nagyban randizgat mikor kivel vagy csak felvette azt a jl ismert szakmt aminek mi ltalban nevezzk./ Amgy Geri tallkozott Lindvel, Mannval s a picivel is. A kislny nagyon hasonlt Lindre, Manna pedig nagyon kedvesen vlaszolt neki a sajt lemezvel kapcsolatban. Azt gondolta hogy az emberek nem fogjk szeretni a szmait, de szeretettel fogadtk a myspacen. Ettl fggetlenl ideges egy kicsit mivel mg soha nem nekelt emberek eltt.