Hrek : HIM Erdlyben az ARTMANIA fesztivlon! |
HIM Erdlyben az ARTMANIA fesztivlon!
A HIM jliusban fel fog lpni Erdlyben az ARTMANIA fesztivlon!
Artmania Festival 2006
Finn fesztivl Erdly szvben! Ez az ARTMANIA fesztivl ami felsorakoztatja a legklnflbb zenei gakat a legjobb finn zenszekkel. Az l mutatvnyokat felsorakoztat ARTMANIA fesztivlon lesznek ms rdekes esemnyek is, olyanok mint pldul vizulis mvszeti killtsok, film vettsek, klasszikus zene eladsok, bemutatk s mhelyek. A finn krnyezet kt legjellegzetesebb szemlyei kzl Jan Kaila s Elia Brotherus is bemutatja vilghr munkit a hrom napos fesztivl alatt. Klasszikus zenei koncertek, zongora versenyei s szlestek lesznek mg fiatal mvszektl a Thalia plaotban, egy csodlatos helyen a rgi falakkal krlvett kzpkori vrosban. Utoljra decemberben Tarja Turunen az ex-Nightwish nekesn adott egy koncertet itt.
Ezutn a melaklia finom szele spr vgig: egsz vilgon a Love Metal ltal hress vlt szuper sztr ikonok,a H.I.M. Bemutatjk a Dark Light albumukat az Erdly szvben lv kzpkori vrosban, ami nagy trtnelmi esemnyek s legendk szntere. H.I.M., egy a legsikeresebb finn bandk kzl s finnorszg legjobb zenei exportja koncertet tart Nagyszeben nagy tern, szombaton Jlius 15-n elszr az ARTMANIA fesztivlon. A H.I.M. eladsa az els igazi attrakcija a mindig Romniban rendezend ARMANIA fesztivlnak. Az j album fogysa miatt, a legutbbi szeptember ta a Sire Records/Warner Music ltal foglalkoztatott finn lovemetallereknek risi sikerk van, meghdtanak j terleteket, s egyre tbb h rajongt szereznek szak Eurptl az Antarktikig. A H.I.M. 60 koncertet ad el Eurpban, szak-Amerikban s Japnban valamint a kvetkez hetekben fog turnzni Ausztrliban, az USA-ban, Angliban s Kanadban, majd hazajn fesztivlozni nyrra Eurpba.
A fesztivl 2006 jlius 14-jlius 16.-ig tart.

Itt van angolul is:
Artmania Festival 2006 (eng. version)
A Finnish Festival in the heart of Transylvania! This is the ARTMANIA Festival that will line up several of the best musical acts from Finland. The ARTMANIA Festival is organised under the aegis of the Embassy of Finland in Romania, in co-operation with several Finnish cultural organisations and the City Hall of Sibiu. In addition to live performances, Artmania Festival will feature other interesting events such as visual art exhibitions, film screenings, classic music performances, lectures and workshops. Two of the most representative personalities of the Finnish art milieu, Jan Kaila and Elina Brotherus, will display their worldwide acclaimed works in Sibiu during the three-day festival. Classic music concerts, piano competitions and recitals will be performed by young artists at the Thalia Hall, an exquisite site built on the ancient walls surrounding the medieval city. Last December, Tarja Turunen, the ex-NIGHTWISH singer, performed a sold-out Christmas concert there.
After spreading a gentle breeze of melancholy over the world with their Love Metal sound that brought them the status of super-star icons, H.I.M will shed the “Dark Light" over Sibiu, the medieval city located in the very heart of Transylvania, a place full of history and legends. H.I.M, one of the most successful Finnish bands to the date and Finland's best music export ever, will perform in the Big Square of Sibiu, on Saturday, July 15 at the first edition of the ARTMANIA Festival. Here the Finnish quintet intends to shoot new video materials, including a DVD with live footage from the concert but also from the town and its surroundings, a charming location where history and traditions blend with immemorial gothic legends. H.I.M, performing for the first time ever in Romania at ARTMANIA Festival, chose to include Sibiu in the Dark Light world promoting tour, attracted by the town's exquisite beauty, located at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, a place that cannot but match the elegant image of the band. Since the release of the new album, last September at Sire Records/Warner Music, the Finnish lovemetallers had a great success conquering new territories, and considerably increasing the ranks of devoted fans from the Europe's North to the Antipodes. So far, H.I.M has performed some 60 concerts in Europe, North America and Japan and in the upcoming weeks will tour Australia, U.K, U.S and Canada to come back in Europe to perform to a few selected summer festivals.
A Finnish festival in the heart of Transylvania? Yes, it is the Artmania Festival in Sibiu, Romania, which this year is dedicated to The Land of The Thousand Lakes. The line up on July 15 includes HIM (SIRE RECORDS/HMC), Amorphis (NUCLEAR BLAST), Silentivm (DYNAMIC ARTS RECORDS) and Carmen Gray (SONYBMG). So watch out, all you vampires and other blood-sucking beasts, Finnish metal will ensnare your evil souls!