Ville Valot letartztatta a rendrsg, mert azzal fenyegetztt, megli szomszdjt
Metal Hammer cikk:
Ville Valot letartztatta a rendrsg, mert azzal fenyegetztt, megli szomszdjt
Ville Valt elfogta a finn rendrsg, mert azzal fenyegetztt, megli a szomszdjt
Februr hatodikn htfn jszaka 2:30-kor a HIM frontembere dulakodott s erszakoskodott a Helsinkiben tallhat apartmanjban.
Ville azt mondta hozzvgott egy cserepesvirgot szomszdja ajtajhoz, miutn a verekeds vgn megfenyegette.
A szomszd felesge hvta a rendrsget, de csak kt rendr brt el Valval, vgl pedig kt bilincsel kellet lecsendesteni.
A verekeds utn jszaka az rizetben Valo beismerte hogy megfenyegette a szomszdjt de mgsem sikerlt kiderteni, mi motivlta a verekedst.
Valo lltlag elzetes letartztatsban van, s lefoglaltk az apartmanjt
Iltalehti cikk:
2:30-kor htfn (Feb 6-n), Valo lltlag borzalmasan erszakoss vlt amg a lakhznl tartzkodott, (fot jobbra), amely Helsinki, Eira kerletben helyezkedik el. Ville-rl azt mondjk, hogy hozzvgott egy virgcserepet a szomszdja ajtajhoz, amit dulakods kvetett. Szomszd felesge hvta a rendtket, majd kt tisztvisel a sznhelyre ment, de kptelenek voltak lecsillaptani Valot, aki bilincsekkel a karjn tudott csak lenyugodni.
Valo, 29, rendrsgi rizetben tlttte az jszakt s elismerte, hogy fenyegette a szomszdot.
Srlseket nem jelentettek az incidensben, br a szomszd ajtaja elszenvedett egy kevs kisebb krt.
A jelents szerint, Ville szomszdai megtagadtk, hogy beszljenek az incidensrl.
Itt a cikk angolul is:
According to the Finnish tabloid newspaper Iltalehti, H.I.M. frontman Ville Valo was taken into custody by the Finnish police over the weekend for allegedly threatening to kill his neighbor and resisting arrest.
At approximately 2:30 a.m. on Monday (Feb. 6), Valo allegedly became belligerent and violent while spending time at his apartment building (photo), which is located in the Eira district of Helsinki. For reasons that are unclear, Ville is said to have thrown a flower pot at his neighbor's door, after which he was confronted by his neighbor and a brawl ensued. The police were called by the neighbor's wife and two officers came to the scene but were unable to calm Valo down, who reportedly had to be restrained with handcuffs.
Valo, 29, spent the night in police custody and reportedly admitted threatening the neighbor but failed to provide a clear motive for his actions.
No injuries were reported in the incident, although the neighbor's door did suffer some minor damage.
According to Iltalehti, Valo was involved in previous disturbances within the same housing organization.
Ville's neighbors refused to comment the incident, according to the report.
Itt egy, a Metal Hammerben megjelent cikk az esetrl:
Ville Valo has been arrested for threatening to kill his neighbour
Ville Valo was taken into custody by the Finnish police for allegedly threatening to kill his neighbour and subsequently resisting arrest.
At approximately 2:30 am on Monday 6th February the HIM frontman became belligerent and violent while spending time at his apartment in Helsinki.
Ville is said to have thrown a flower pot at his neighbour's door, after which a brawl with said neighbour started.
The neighbour's wife called the police, but two officers who arrived at the scene were unable to calm Valo down. It is said that Valo had to be restrained with handcuffs.
after spending the night in custody he admitted threatening his neighbour but has as yet failed to provide a motive for his actions.
Valo was allegedly been involved in previous disturbances at the apartment block.